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- Calendar / Dates for your Diary
- Jubilee 2025
- Gospel Reflection
- Parent Teacher Meetings are next week
- Term Dates
- Parenting Seminars
- Get Grubby Sustainability Incursion
- Stage 3
- Awards, PBS Awards
- Happy Birthday
- Premier’s Reading Challenge
- Cross Country is early next term!!!
- Food Allergies
- Music Lessons
- Bellingen-Dorrigo Magpies
- Come and try Netball
- OOSH - Easter holidays
Calendar / Dates for your Diary
Sport Days
Monday Stage 3
Tuesday Kinder
Wednesday Stage 2 Eagle
Thursday Kinder and Stage 1
Friday Stage 2 Turtle
Week 8
Tuesday 25th - The Annunciation of the Lord
Wednesday 26th - Lockdown TBC
Thursday 27th - PP Meetings
Friday 28th - PP Meetings
March 30th - Neighbours Every Day
Week 9
Monday 31st - Mrs Connell visiting Stage 1 for History talk
Monday 31st - Parent Teacher Meetings
Tuesday 1st - Parent Teacher Meetings
Wednesday 2nd - Parent Teacher Meetings
Thursday 3rd - Parent Teacher Meetings
Sunday 6th - Daylight Savings Ends
Save The Date
Thursday 10th - Easter Hat Parade / Caritas Fundraiser 9.00am more details to come
Friday 11th - Easter Prayer Service more details to come
Friday 11th - Rewards Day Session 2 & 3
Friday 11th Last Day of Term 1
Term 2
Tuesday 29th - First day of Term 2
Wednesday 30th - School Cross Country
When things go wrong, try not to look for who you can blame. God will do what he can do to make things better.
Parent Teacher Meetings are next week
If you haven’t already done so, please book a meeting time with your child’s teacher. This is a great opportunity to connect with them, see how things are going and discuss any focus areas. When you log into Compass this will come up on the right hand side of the page.
Get Grubby Sustainability Incursion
Our school was the lucky recipient of the Compost System! We are very excited about this win and we look forward to sharing more information with you about this.
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
We’ve had a fantastic start to the year, with lots of learning and fun happening in our Stage 3 class. It’s been wonderful to see the students engaging with their studies, building friendships, and developing their skills in a variety of subjects.
In English, students have been working on writing narratives that contain humour, focusing on making their stories entertaining for the audience. It’s been exciting to see the students experimenting with funny characters, humorous situations, and playful language. They’ve really enjoyed finding creative ways to make their stories engaging, and we look forward to reading more of their hilarious and imaginative narratives in the coming weeks.
Our class has also been getting their hands dirty while learning about sustainable farming with Ms Josie. Students have been busy growing seedlings in the classroom as part of a project aimed at understanding the importance of sustainable agricultural practices. It’s been a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn about the environment and how we can care for it by growing our own plants in a sustainable way.
There’s a real buzz around the Stage 3 students who will be participating in the Dylan Edwards Rugby League Gala Day on Wednesday of Week 10. The students are eagerly looking forward to the event, where they’ll have the chance to show off their rugby skills, work as a team, and enjoy a fun day of friendly competition. We wish all of our students the best of luck and know they will represent the school with enthusiasm and sportsmanship.
Mr O’Shea
Stage 3 Teacher
Week 6
Kinder - Lylah Wooldridge & Ned Hart
Stage 1 - Vera Farrugia & Jax Maher
Stage 2 Turtles - Charlotte Powditch & Savannah Tyrrell
Stage 3 - Lilly Fairbanks & Arlo Pym
PBS - "I am a good listner"
Kinder - Lachlan Hamill
Stage 1 - Jed Ravell
Stage 2 Turtles - Lachlann Kiddle
Stage 3 - Charlotte Carlon & Seanna Condon
Week 7
Kinder - Gulliver Clark & Ash Maher
Stage 1 - Joshua Jackson, Benji Mills & Logan Piper
Stage 2 Eagles - Ivy Ellis-Cluff & Layla Shinfield
Stage 2 Turtles - Tully de Jong & Anurag Sharma
Stage 3 - Aoife Tsang & Neerav Pratap
PBS - "I follow instructions"
Kinder - Aleera Njemanze & Lachlan Hamill
Stage 1 - Reg Fielding
Stage 2 Eagles - Phoenix Jones
Stage 2 Turtles - Digby Bruce
Stage 3 - Yahmarii Andrews & Dimity Leslie
All families have had the reading log and reading list sent to them for their children. If you would like for us to enter the details of the books read, please write them down and send them to school. If you would prefer to enter the details yourself online please email the office and your child’s individual login details will be provided to you. Please note that there are audiobook options and easy readers for years 3-6.
Cross Country is early next term!!!
Start training and work on building your running stamina over the holidays. The date is set for Wednesday April 30th
We are a Food Allergy Aware School. Your cooperation would be appreciated in talking with your children about the importance of not sharing food or putting any food items close to another child. We are requesting that families talk to students about the importance of not playing with food and sitting to eat.
If you are looking for resources this is a good place to start.
Piano = Victoria Christie 6655 8782
Brass/Piano = Kate Butcher 0419 789 078
Guitar = Katie Crane 0431 151 987